A New Ready-to-Use Mass Trapping System for the Control of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)
April 2008
Posters | Cera-Trap®
S. Orta, P. Alvarado, A. Caballero, C. Marín, N. Sierras and R. Piñol Junta de Andalucia. RioTintoFruits. Bioiberica S.A. 1st Meeting of TEAM. Palma de Mallorca. Spain Inglés
Cera Trap system has been proven to be an effective system against the fruit fly with a good persistence during the whole campaign without manipulation. It successfully controls the pest population due to its capture capacity, decreases medfly fruit damage and therefore gives a good opportunity to the IPM strategies as well as organic citrus and fruit harvest