Solutions for plant stress
Bioavailable nutrition
AminoQuelant® Range
The AminoQuelant® range plays a twofold role against deficiency stress:
- It stimulates the recovery of the physiological equilibrium, so the plant can start to absorb the nutrients it requires.
- Complexes the macro- and micro-elements so that they reach the site of consumption quickly, safely and efficiently.

AminoQuelant®-K low pH
Low pH AminoQuelant®- K is a formula with a high concentration of potassium and L-α-amino acids. The synergism between potassium and amino acids allows for improved absorption, translocation and potassium activity inside the plant. In addition, its neutral pH makes it a unique product on the market, for its total compatibility with hard water and customary phytosanitary treatments and fertilisers.


AminoQuelant®-Ca/Mg is the new product from the AminoQuelant® range, formulated from L-α-amino acids obtained from exclusive Enzyneer® technology together with calcium and magnesium. The joint contribution of calcium, magnesium and boron with L-α-amino acids enables the plant to rapidly absorb these elements, facilitating their transportation to the plant's organs where they are required.

AminoQuelant®-Cu is a new product formulated from amino acids from our exclusive Enzyneer® technology and copper. This product is designed to increase copper assimilation during the critical times with the greatest need, allowing the element to be transported much more quickly and effectively toward the plant's new leaves and growing points. This element forms part of essential molecules for processes such as photosynthesis, respiration and lignification.

AminoQuelant®-Zn Flow

AminoQuelant®-Mn Flow

AminoQuelant®-Zn/Mn Flow

AminoQuelant®-B is an L-α-amino acid-based product obtained from exclusive Enzyneer® technology and boron (B). The joint application of amino acids and boron contributes towards improved boron absorption and much faster, efficient distribution to the points of consumption. Recommended when the plant needs a quick response during times when it has a high demand for boron.

AminoQuelant®-minors is an L-α-amino acid-based product obtained thanks to exclusive Enzyneer® technology, secondary nutrients (magnesium) and micronutrients (boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc). The joint application of amino acids and nutrients in a balanced proportion ensures they are made better use of by the plant, and facilitates much faster, efficient distribution to the points of consumption.
Specific solutions for situations of in-field abiotic stress