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Plant Stress

We are specialists in the management and diagnosis of plant stress

Over the course of their entire life-cycle, plants don’t usually develop under optimal conditions, but rather face various adverse situations that cause different types of stress, preventing them from achieving maximum yields. In addition, the physiological optimum of a species differs from the so-called ecological optimum, so in each case the plant has to adapt to its habitat's environmental conditions. 

Any environmental factor that impacts the plant, affecting its biochemical and physiological responses and potentially causing occasional harm and injury is considered stress. In general, stress situations trigger a series of compensatory physiological changes to take place within the plant with the purpose of maintaining the vital conditions of the organism.

Type of crop stress

Biotic factors

Insects, nematodes, fungus, bacteria, viruses...

There are various groups of organisms that cause damage to plants. Undoubtedly, one of the most harmful is insects because they can come to represent real pests in the field.

Phenological moments

Budding, flowering, fruit setting, maturing...

Stress factors coincide with stages such as embryogenic development, sprouting, flowering, fruit setting and fruit ripening in which the plant is more sensitive due to the complex internal changes it undergoes.


Cold, heat, drought, frost, hail...

Below or above a certain temperature, depending on the plant, plants suffer severe damage that limits their optimal functioning. But hail, wind or drought also affect plants.

Crop Management

Transplant, root damage, phytotoxicity, pruning...

The cultural practices carried out on farm lands to optimise production can cause damage to the plants and their environment if they are carried out improperly.

Less stress, more yield