Scientific Publications


Cera Trap, a mass trapping system for the control of the Ceratitis capitata in citrus fruit crops.

March 2010
Posters | Cera-Trap®

The fruit fly Ceratitis capitata is one of the most damaging and difficult pest to control for citrus fruit production and other fruit crops since it is, among other factors, highly polyphagous and widely spread.The traditional control method of this pest, based mainly on insecticide treatments close to harvest time, is currently not well thought of because of its toxicological and environmental concerns.CeraTrap is an attractant formulation of natural origin, free of pesticides and based on...

II Jornadas sobre feromonas, atrayentes, trampas y control biológico: alternativas para la agricultura del siglo XXI

November 2009
Scientific Communications | Cera-Trap®
La mosca del Mediterráneo o mosca de la fruta, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.), es una de las plagas más dañinas y difíciles de controlar en la actualidad. Su amplia distribución geográfica, su elevada capacidad de desplazamiento, su gran poder de adaptación, su rápida proliferación y su carácter extremadamente polífago son varias de las causas por las que ocasiona importantes mermas económicas en las principales áreas frutícolas a nivel mundial.

30th Conference on Phytosanitary Products

October 2008
Scientific Communications | Cera-Trap®

Cera Trap® is a product developed by Bioibérica SA in the form of a soluble concentrate (SL) based on hydrolyzed proteins; it is intended for use in agriculture as a food attractant to trap fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata). It comes in two presentations: a) a liquid attractant in bottles, for use with fly traps such as Tephri-Trap (CT) with funnels; b) a ready-to-use system in bottles, which includes the liquid attractant and the trap in a single product (CTB), with an attractant effect th...

Mass Trapping of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly

June 2008
Scientific Communications | Cera-Trap®

Cera Trap is a new system for mass trapping of the Mediterranean fruit fly; it does not use insecticide in its formulation or in its application in the field. It has a considerable attraction effect on adult flies and a minimal effect on other fauna. Cera Trap uses a protein hydrolysate to capture Ceratitis capitata. The Cera Trap system captures females in a higher proportion than males.

A New Ready-to-Use Mass Trapping System for the Control of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)

April 2008
Posters | Cera-Trap®

Cera Trap system has been proven to be an effective system against the fruit fly with a good persistence during the whole campaign without manipulation. It successfully controls the pest population due to its capture capacity, decreases medfly fruit damage and therefore gives a good opportunity to the IPM strategies as well as organic citrus and fruit harvest


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