The biological effectiveness of the biostimulant Equilibrium® versus the two market benchmarks based on seaweed was assessed. The results mark significant differences for the synergistic components of Equilibrium®.
The addition of Equilibrium® to leaf applications of tomato crop nutrition programmes significantly increases not only the presence of viable flowers and the setting of later fruit but also prepares the plant for better fruit fill and widens the crop interval.
In order to characterize the effect of Inicium®, the aerial and underground development of pepper plants not treated and treated with the biostimulant of root application was monitored. The results showed an incentive effect of growth in the post-transplant phase for plants treated with INICIUM®, which is visualized in early growth of the root system. This effect appears to be associated with the production of finer and longer roots, which would provide a larger surface of water and nutrient absorption, and with a greater root activity. This incentive effect has led to a production of leaves, flowers and fruits significantly higher and earlier in Inicium® treated plants with respect to Control.
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Equilibrium® offers very good results in Dutch cucumbers-it increases fruit setting and yield, without negatively affecting fruit weight.
According to FAO data, Spain is the 12th leading producer worldwide of onions. The onion, or Allium cepa, is the most cultivated plant of its genus, and it is thought to be one of the first plants cultivated by mankind.
In 2012, worldwide tomato production levels reached more than 120 million tons, with the European Union being one of the largest producers. The optimum cultivation of tomatoes requires very specific temperature, moisture and luminosity conditions, this is why it is often cultivated in greenhouses.
Soil salinity is a problem affecting approximately 89.7 million hectares worldwide.