Publicaciones científicas

Electroantennogram of Ceratitis capitata and field responses on Bactrocera dorsalis with CeraTrap®

Mayo 2014
Pósters | Cera-Trap®
N. Sierras, C. Marín, A. Botta and R. Brossa
Plant Physiology Division, BIOIBERICA,S.A.
9th ISFFEI, Bangkok, Thailand

CeraTrap® (CT) is an attractant formulation of natural origin, based on a liquid protein obtained by an exclusive method of enzymatic hydrolysis, with strong attraction capacity for fruit flies and free of pesticides. The system functions thanks to a regular emission of volatile organic compounds. Due to this, the strongly attracted flies fall into the trap and as they are unable to escape, drown into the liquid and die.Electroantennogram (EAG) analysis were performed in order to measure antennal sensitivity to volatile chemicals emitted from Cera Trap® (CT) to further understand the electrophysiology that underlines behavioral response. Aditionally, the efficacy of the mass trapping system was measured in field trials assessing the gender and number of flies captured.

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