Scientific Publications


A New Ready-to-Use Mass Trapping System for the Control of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)

April 2008
Posters | Cera-Trap®

Cera Trap system has been proven to be an effective system against the fruit fly with a good persistence during the whole campaign without manipulation. It successfully controls the pest population due to its capture capacity, decreases medfly fruit damage and therefore gives a good opportunity to the IPM strategies as well as organic citrus and fruit harvest

Study of The Mode of Action of Inicium®, a Product Developed Specifically to Overcome Transplant Stress in Strawberry Plants

March 2008
Posters | Inicium®

For strawberry plants, transplanting is one of the most stressful stages in the entire life cycle, especially if an environmental stress factor occurs within the following days. Root development at the initial phases and settlement into a new environment can jeopardize future crop production and commercial quality. Inicium® is a totally natural product based on characterized peptides of low molecular weight with very high root activity that has been especially developed by the R D Departmen...

Study of the Mechanism of Action of a New Product for the Control of Fungal Diseases

April 2007
Posters | Optimus®

Diseases caused by fungal pathogens represent one of the biggest agricultural problems worldwide in terms of economic losses due to reduced yield and the cost of treatment with fungicides used to control these diseases. In the event of a fungal attack, the resistance or susceptibility of the plants to infection will depend on the magnitude and the speed of activation of their defense mechanisms. Optimus is a protein enzyme hydrolysate with phosphorus and has been specially designed by the Bi...

Effects of the Application of Amino Acids in Drip Irrigation in Olive Trees

October 2006
Posters | Terra-Sorb®

Olive trees are subject to several types of environmental stress due to their area of distribution (Mediterranean climate). For this reason, olive trees are resistant and are adapted to dry conditions and extreme heat, and have traditionally required little management by olive growers. However, the recent and increasingly widespread application of technology to olive growing (e.g., fertigation) has led to increased advantage being taken of the genetic potential of the tree, which had been re...

Biological control of Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) with CERA TRAP® in citrus

September 2006
Posters | Cera-Trap®

We present a new and biological medfly control method with a high efficacy. CERA TRAP® is based on a liquid protein obtained by an exclusive method of enzymatic hydrolisis and is able to reduce the pesticide application at minimum or even making completely unnecessary. It is an easy to use technique and a more economical energy and labor cost solution than the traditional pesticides applications. CERA TRAP composition is free of pesticides and is not necessary to add any in the traps. Trial...


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