Publicaciones científicas

Enhancing foliar iron uptake with amino acids complexes

Junio 2016
Pósters | AminoQuelant®
Anna Botta, Irene García, Cándido Marín, Núria Sierras, Ricard Brossa and Juan J. Lucena
R & D Department, Plant Physiology Division, BIOIBERICA,S.A. , Department of Agricultural and Food Science, University Autónoma of Madrid
18th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition in plants
Foliar fertilization is an alternative tool in the treatment of iron chlorosis and other micronutrient deficiencies, especially in conditions where the correction through the soil is limited: immobilization of nutrients in the soil (high pH, organic matter or clay), high nutrient lixiviation or crops with no irrigation. Among iron fertilizers, synthetic chelates applied by foliar spray do not necessarily represent and advantage for Fe fertilization. They are costly for farmers, environmentally persistent molecules, and some have difficulties to cross the hydrophobic barriers of leaf epidermis. Natural complexing agents such as amino acids extracts have low molecular size and form Fe complexes with lower stability, which enable both absorption and the subsequent transport of these elements in the plant. The aim of this study is to characterize and evaluate a Fe complex product (AQ: AminoQuelant®-Fe) based on amino acids and iron in nutritional correction and agronomic efficiency through foliar application. Field trial results with the Fe complex improved soluble iron content in pear leaves, rendered better photosynthesis pigments content in turf grass and provided higher yields in pineapple compared to other foliar fertilizers. Findings suggest that foliar applications of the Fe complex improved the uptake and assimilation of such nutrient by crops thus showing a similar or even better effect than other iron sources commonly used.
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