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Effects of Fertigation With Two Sources of Calcium on the Nutritional State of Tomato Plants Under Saline Conditions. Possibility of Use in Controlling Blossom-End Rot

September 1997
Scientific articles | AminoQuelant®
J.A. Franco, P.J. Pérez-Saura y A. Durán
Área de Producción Vegetal, Departamento de Ingeniería Aplicada, Universidad de Murcia, España
Agrícola Vergel

In an open-air commercial tomato plantation fertigated with saline water (mean CE of the water used: 5.2 dS m-1), we studied the effect on the incidence of apical necrosis (blossom-end rot) and the nutritional state of the crop when calcium nitrate (CN) and AminoQuelant-Ca (AQ) were added to the irrigation solution .

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