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Terra-Sorb: plant stress in the fields is a thing of the past

Monday, 20 April 2015
Field Experience | Terra-Sorb® | Extensive crops

Eastern Europe agricultural producers valued very positively the effect of Terra-Sorb® on their crops

terra-sorbDespite the fact that most farmers use proven technology for the cultivation of crops, the vagaries of weather, climate change and human factors often 'steal' the harvest. Yet it is not possible to stand up to this with crop protecting agents, fertilizers and agricultural practices alone. That is why, up until now, all stressful conditions have been recognized as virtually unchangeable factors.

Bioiberica’s solutions to combat plant stress are born precisely from this need. This company's Terra-Sorb® agent is used in more than 60 countries around the world.

Terra-Sorb® gained its reputation among other manufacturers because it really helps in conditions where it seems impossible to save the harvest. Sudden drops in temperature, leaf surface damage or drought, plant pollination problems and the phytotoxicity of agents are all situations where Terra-Sorb® is irreplaceable. It gently and naturally produces a stimulating and anti-stress effect on plants.

In Ukraine Terra-Sorb® has gained worthy recognition, and farms in different regions with various specializations use this agent. It is recommended by independent consultants. Experience in using Terra-Sorb® has demonstrated that this agent may not only help in solving desperate situations in the fields, but can also guarantee high crop yields thanks to the technology used in this agent. Agriculturists and leading consultants discuss the practical application advantages of this agent.

Ivan Svidinyuk, sugar beet production product manager, KVS Ukraine Ltd.

01_SvidiniukBefore KVS Ukraine Ltd. I worked at the NSC Institute of Agriculture of NAASU for a long time. We conducted tests on Terra-Sorb® biostimulant in test areas with various crops, including corn, rapeseed, sugar beet, etc. This agent is ideal for stimulation of weak seeds after wintering. Thus, the plants literally came to life just 1-1.5 weeks after treatment, and we obtained quite a significant increase in crop yield.

We then had a situation at a farm in the Kirovohrad region (Zernovik Ltd.) where the leaf surface of corn was destroyed by hail during the 8th leaf stage. The farm even considered replanting. We advised treatment with Terra-Sorb®. In just a month, plants restored their leaf surface, and the crop yield comprised 8 t/ha. After this, I changed my attitude toward the agent.

Last year, sugar beet was damaged after hail at another farm (Agroprodservice Ltd.). Bacterial blight started developing on the leaf. Terra-Sorb® was again used, and the leaf surface was restored in just two weeks. This farm, with an area of more than 2,000 ha, had an average sugar beet yield of 60 t/ha. The fields treated with Terra-Sorb® produced an even larger yield of 70 t/ha.

One holding company in the Vinnitsa region (PK Zorya Podillya Ltd.) noticed the after-effects of herbicides on the sugar beet. The first crops were treated with herbicides. After treatment with Terra-Sorb® plants recovered their vegetation, and their overall condition improved, and the average yield was 48 t/ha. These results were achieved despite talks about replanting a part of the area.

The agent's efficacy is due to the high content of free amino acids. In stressful conditions, the plant spends amino acids and energy for stress management. It negatively affects the crop yield. After treatment with Terra-Sorb® the plant obtains additional amino acids and bears the stressful conditions with minimal crop yield Loss.

This agent should be included in cultivation flow charts as a natural safe biostimulant, even without stressful conditions.

Oleg Krizhovachuk, Ukraine Ltd., Ternopol region

02_KrizhovachukWe started treating plants with Terra-Sorb® 5-6 years ago, when the agent first came onto the Ukrainian market. Since then we have been treating almost all large area crops annually.

We cultivate a total 14,800 ha of field crops. We also own 176 ha of gardens. This agent is good at stress elimination. Under the conditions of a delayed spring, Terra-Sorb® stimulates seeds perfectly well. It efficiently eliminates the after-effects of herbicides, for example, on soybeans. After treatment with the agent, the soybeans were already restored on the third day, and the yield amounted to 26-30 c/ha.

Our experience in the garden was interesting.

We treated weeds with glyphosate, and the agent was blown by the wind onto some currant bushes, and the leaves twisted.

We noticed the effect of the herbicide at once, and on the second day we treated the bushes with the anti-stressant. After three treatments with Terra-Sorb® the currant recovered.

The agent showed good results on corn. We treated corn twice during the vegetation period at a dose of 1 l/ha at the 2-5 leaf and 7-8 leaf stages under unstable weather conditions. The corn yield was 10-12 t/ha.

Before treatment, we consider the state of seeds and weather conditions. During one year, we treated all areas with winter rapeseed and wheat with Terra-Sorb®, as the spring was delayed. We always have the agent in stock for quick reaction.

Now our winter seeds are in a good state, but their further development depends on weather conditions. If there are night and day temperature drops, they will be stressful for the seeds, and we will treat them with Terra-Sorb®. Last year, we sprayed winter seeds with the agent before the spring frosts, and there were no problems with vegetation.

Andrey Baran, Agroprodservice Corporation, Ternopol region

03_BaranWe have over 10,000 ha in rotation for winter wheat and barley, over 4,000 for winter rapeseed, over 6,000 for soybean and 8-9,000 ha for corn. Last year, we cultivated another 2,600 ha of sugar beet. We have been using Terra-Sorb® for several years already.

We started with small areas and gradually shifted to large volumes. We used the agent on many crops, mostly on soybeans and sugar beet, and we conducted our own trials that confirmed its efficacy. When soybean seeds were treated with the dose of 1.5 l/ha, we had an increase in yield of approximately 1.8 c/ha. We also tried a double application: during blossoming to prolong the process and for a second time at the end of blossoming for better pod formation. After that, the soybean yield increased to 2.6-2.8 c/ha.

Peas treated with Terra-Sorb® showed an increase of 4 c/ha.

Terra-Sorb® is a universal agent for stress elimination. Once our rapeseed plants suffered from herbicide, but after Terra-Sorb® (2 l/ha), they recovered and provided a rather good yield.

The agent contains free amino acids that produce a natural stimulating and anti-stress effect. So, it can be used as a safe biostimulant in cultivation technology on a scheduled basis.

This year, we are planning to treat soybean and sugar beet seeds, and probably rapeseed crops, with Terra-Sorb® against herbicide stress.

Jan Dolezhal, OSEVA EXIMPO PRAHA, s.r.o. (Czech Republic)

04_DolezhalTerra-Sorb® has already been in the Czech market for 4 years, and its sales are increasing annually. Though there are several dozen biostimulants and anti-stressants in our market, Terra-Sorb® is unique in its ingredients and effect. To prove this to farmers, we annually conduct several trials in cooperation with universities, strain-trial stations and authorized testing organizations. In addition to the physiological effect of using Terra-Sorb®, we show farmers economic efficiency indicators of its application. Thus, the cost and payback ratio for winter wheat is 1:5, for winter barley – 1:6-10. More efficient returns are observed with sugar beet and soybean, that is 1.15 USD/ha.

The Ukrainian agricultural sector is rather interested in Terra-Sorb® in terms of crop recovery after winter, elimination of stress caused by herbicides and fungicides and increase of leaf mass after mechanical damage. This agent stimulates the root system, which has a special importance in the present conditions of using fertilizers. Stronger roots use the applied fertilizers in a better way: they penetrate deeper into the lower soil layers and get access to the nutritional substances accumulated there. Moreover, biostimulant-treated plants show better resistance to drought.

Because of financial problems, Ukrainian agriculturists may increase the use of generic products. Their contents may produce a stressful effect on crops. In such situations, Terra-Sorb® is irreplaceable. Consequently, it will be more practical to introduce Terra-Sorb® to the cultivation technology on a planned basis without waiting for any problems to arise. Currently, 5,000 ha from 17,000 ha of vineyards are treated with this agent in the Czech Republic. Terra-Sorb® is a preferred element of cultivation technology for 1,000 ha of this land.

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