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20th Chilean Congress of Phytopathology

December 2011
Scientific Communications | Optimus®
Botta, A.; Marín, C.; Sierras, N.; Carrión, M.; Piñol, R.
Departamento de I+D, División Fisiología Vegetal, BIOIBERICA, S.A
Santiago de Chile

Recently, inducer products of the resistance of the plants, like Optimus (Bioiberica, S.A.), have arisen as a good alternative to the indiscriminate use of fungicides, controlling the recurrent appearance of fungi diseases, and diminishing the chemical residues in horticulture and fruit cultures. With the objective of showing the biological bases of action of the product, a test in controlled conditions has been carried out in a model guest-pathogen system. The induction of biochemical and structural defense response in Arabidopsis thaliana has been evaluated against a biotrophic fungus, subsequent to the application of the Inducer in evaluation, comparing it with a standard treatment. In parallel, it has been wanted to prove the effectiveness of the product in regions with very favorable conditions of incidence of downy mildew and in cultures of high economic value (vine). Finally, measurements of the content in grape of resveratrol have been carried out, a compound that indicates the stimulation of the synthesis of phytoalexins in this culture and, simultaneously, a compound of special interest in grape for the human health.

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