An environmentally friendly alternative (MS2®-CeraTrap®) for control of fruit flies in Mexico.
November 2011
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®
Martin de los Santos, Ricardo Hernández, José M. Cerdà, Filiberto Nieves, Jorge A. Torres, Arturo Bello, Diego Franco Leal Plant Protection, SENASICA-SAGARPA, Fruit Fly Program, Mexico Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.9 (2011):926-927 Inglés
This paper reports on progress and innovations recently introduced at the National Programme of Fruit Flies in Mexico. It offers data about analternative for catch of especially the fruit flies Anastrepha spp., using together with the bait station MS2® and the efficient attractant CeraTrap®,which decreases the rates of MTD (flies/trap/day) in four weeks. New method was considered an environmentally friendly alternative with lessinjurious effects on beneficial fauna by reduced insecticide application.