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Bioiberica launched CROP-SCAN®, a system for the diagnosis of plant stress in woody crops

Wednesday, 04 September 2013
Latest news | Crop-Scan®

Crop-Scan®, which has been developed by Bioberica’s R&D team, uses imaging taken by airborne thermal and multispectral cameras to diagnose crop stress.

Crop-Scan® is a remote sensing system that allows users to find outthe current situation of a crop in order to implement optimum preventive strategies and actions in crop management. The system is quick, precise and can sense down to individual trees. With this new service, personalized counseling from Bioiberica’s plant physiology division for the management of plant stress is available to the technicians of the leading estates in the Iberian Peninsula.

During the past several years, advances in precision agriculture have driven forward improvements in crop production-these improvements strive togive effective answers to plant stress situations through efficient and sustainable use of agricultural inputs; and to prevent, at the earliest possible stage, the onset of plant stress. This new system is an improvement over the standard tools and techniques used to analyze the state of the crops, which have key critical limitations because they use small, barely representative samples.

Crop-Scan® offers individual, immediate and reliable information about the situation of every tree/plant in the estate. The end result is a tool that allows technicians to implement specific and efficient actions to correct a number of stress situations affecting different types of trees, thereby leading to improvements in production output and quality. Furthermore, it allows for a more sustainable use of a number of farming resources such as water, fertilizers and phytosanitary products, thus achieving true precision agriculture.

Crop-Scan® can be used in woody crops such as fruit trees, citric, grapes and olives.

Further information about this service and how it works, as well as private access for customers, can be found at


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