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Effect of the application of Terra-Sorb® on fruit retention, development and quality in mango

Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Field Experience | Terra-Sorb® | Tropical crops

In certain species and varieties, as is the case of mango, the grade of fruit setting is an important factor affecting final crop production.

This parameter, basically regulated by the plant's own genetics, can be negatively affectted by external conditions and the nutritional state of the plant.
mango-323945_640Amino Acids play an important role in plant physiology, regulating several processes. Besides, they are essential in the pollen and the style for a correct pollination and ffecundation.
Likewise, the application of Terra-Sorb® increases nutrient absorption and translocation, contributing to the nutritional balance of the plant.
Another remarkable fact is that a positive effect from Terra-Sorb® has been observed on fruit development. A higher fruit retention can negatively affect their later development. However, the product has evidenced in numerous trails that a higher fruit retention does not have repercussions on fruit size.


Trial data

ORGANISM: National Soil and Water Resources Research Center. Philippines.
LOCATION: Barangay Cuyambay, Tanay, Rizal. Philippines.
VARIETY: Carabao mango.
AGE: 16 years.

Experimental design


  • Control: untreated.
  • TSF-1: Terra-Sorb® foliar 250 c.c./hl.
  • TSF-2: Terra-Sorb® foliar 374 c.c./hl.


20 trees. 4 repetitions for each treatment.

APPLICATION: Foliar spray.

  • M1: 9 days after flowering induction
  • M2: Fruit setting (bean size)
  • M3: 1 month after M2 (peanut size)
  • M4: 1 month after M3 (egg size)


121 days after treatment start.




  • Terra-Sorb® application in mango improves fruit retention in the tree and contributes to notably increase the number of fruits collected in each panicle.
  • Terra-Sorb® significantly improves fruit weight.
  • Terra-Sorb® application increases sugar content in fruit.
  • Both Terra-Sorb® doses studied resulted in an increase in production and quality, with a correlation between dose and effect, the higher the dose, the greater the effect.

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