Terra-Sorb®: new results in fruit ripening
In certain species and varieties, the ripening level of fruits is a very important factor in the final produce
The problem of a Deficient Ripening
Some of the low productivity issues with species and varieties of great commercial interest are caused by a deficient ripening of the fruits. This parameter, which is regulated mostly by the plants’ own genetics, can be negatively affected by external conditions and by the nutritional state of the plant.
The most determining factor is temperature. We can observe that ripening is not so successful when the plants are under extreme temperatures. Low temperatures especially affect floration and ripening of fruits.
Among them, the most affected by a deficient ripening are the earlier varieties and its first fruits.
Regarding the own plant condition, during pollination, fecundation and ripening, there is a competition for nutrients and photo assimilates among the different vegetative and reproductive organs, competition that exists until the beginning of the development of the fruit. It is very important that at this moment the plant has a good nutritional balance and to ensure a correct absorption of fertilizing elements.
Benefits on fruit retention from using Terra-Sorb®
Amino acids play an important role in the plant physiology, as they regulate numerous processes. Their presence in both pollen and style is indispensable for a correct pollination and fecundation process; they also improve the nutritional balance of the plant, therefore allowing them to retain a larger number of fruits.
The external application of enzymatic hydrolysis free L-α-amino acids by means of Terra-Sorb®, allows plants to save important quantities of energy: the plant saves the energy used to produce amino acids from inorganic nitrogen, a process that requires the plant to expend significant energy. Therefore, the plant has more energy available for others processes like, for instance, fructification.
Moreover, application of Terra-Sorb® favours a better absorption and translocation of nutrients, thus contributing to the plants’ nutritional balance.

Terra-Sorb® Tested on mangoes. Improvements in Fruit Setting and Final Production.
Next, we will present the results obtained by a test carried out on a mango plantation in the Philippines. Generally speaking, mango cultivation is characterized by abundant flowering but deficient fruit retention. Therefore, an improvement in fruit retention would be of great interest.
We can deduce from this test, as we will see, that application of Terra-Sorb® on mangoes favours a higher retention percentage of fruits, as well as fruits that have higher average weights and calibres.
Moreover, an improvement in the organoleptic properties of the fruits was observed.
Test Data and Experiment Design.
-Organism: 'National Soil and Water Resources Research Center', Philippines.
-Location: Barangay Cuyambay, Tanay, Rizal. Philippines.
-Variety: Carabao mango.
- Plantation Layout: 10 x 10 m.
-Age: 16 year old trees.
Control sample: not treated.
TSF-1: Terra-Sorb® foliar 250 cc/hl.
TSF-2: Terra-Sorb® foliar 375 cc/hl.
-Times of application:
M1: 9 days after flower induction (January 28th).
M2: fruit setting (bean sized fruit).
M3: 1 month after M2 (peanut sized fruit).
M4: 1 month after M3 (egg sized fruit).
-Harvesting: 121 days after start of treatments (May 27th).
The percentage of fruit retention during the period between fruit setting and harvesting, in relation to the total number of fruits present when fruit setting began, was evaluated.The results confirmed that large quantities of fruits do not reach full development stage, as well as showing how the application of Terra-Sorb® increases the percentage of fruits present at the moment of the harvest phase. The plants treated with the highest doses show significant differences when compared to the control sample: the percentages of fruits are doubled.