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Bioiberica Introduces its Product Line in Angola

Tuesday, 12 January 2010
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Angola, a former Portuguese colony, is the seventh largest country in Africa (1,246,700 km²). The Republic of Angola is located in Southwestern Africa and shares its northern and eastern borders with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, its eastern border with Zambia and its southern border with Namibia. Its western border runs along the Atlantic Ocean.

Angola has considerable potential in terms of agriculture and mining. However, in 2005, only 3% of the country was farmed. More than 3.5 million hectares of the country could be used for agricultural purposes.

Coffee is grown in the northern part of the country and is the most exported product. The country’s agricultural production of coffee and all other crops was negatively affected between the late 1980s and the early 1990s. Coffee production does not currently cover the country’s own needs and far less land is farmed than in previous decades. The main subsistence crop is cassava root (8,810,000 MT) and its derivative, tapioca. Other leading crops are sugar cane (360,000 MT), bananas and corn (566,000 MT). Also important are vegetables, cotton, palm tree products and agave. Livestock is raised mainly in the south and is merely a subsistence activity that is made difficult by the presence of the tsetse fly.

Novagro, a company dedicated to importing and marketing phytosanitary products, has its headquarters in Luanda, the capital city, and six sales offices in the main farming areas of the country. With the aim of repopulating rural areas, the company has developed programmes to plant corn. In its crop-recovery tasks, Novagro has made an effort to validate the benefits of the application of the products Terra-Sorb®, AminoQuelant®-K and AminoQuelant®-Ca in vegetable, citrus and subtropical crops.

In this first year of activity, several presentations have been held and we are working in collaboration with the Agriculture College in Huambo to offer training courses and documentation on agronomy and farming techniques.

In the photo, Novagro President, Dr. Eduardo Barros, with Manager Dr. Samuel Jorge and the company’s sales team.

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