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Bioiberica was present at the 11th New Ag International Conference & Exhibition at Rio de Janeiro.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013
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This event, hosted every year by New Ag International, is an essential meeting in the agricultural sector, and is attended by producers, distributors and high-tech industries from all over the world.

newag_brasil_400_01Brazil, that used to be called the “world’s breadbasket”, it has experienced over the last decade a marked growth in agricultural research and development. This is the reason why New Ag International chose Brazil as the first Latin American country to host its annual conference.

Experts coming from many different countries (Brazil, Switzerland, Israel, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, USA, Poland, the Netherlands, Italy, Colombia, China and Canada, among others) attended the conference, that presented the latest in crop protection and nutrition.

One of the conference’s events was the international meeting on slow, controlled release fertilizers. That meeting was jointly sponsored by New Ag and the IFA (International Fertilizer Industry Association). Besides, the meeting dealt with several issues, such as plant nutrition, irrigation, biological protection, ICT in crop management.

Bioiberica’s Plant Physiology division was present at the congress. Our booth presented to Brazilian professionals our well known range of products: Terra-Sorb®, Fitamin, y Aminoquelant®, as well as other widely used products elsewhere such as Inicium®, Optimus®, Armurox® or Cera Trap®-all of them raised great interest among our visitors. Bioiberica greatly appreciates their time and interest.

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