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The facilities of the Bioiberica Plant Physiology Division at Palafolls was visited by technicians and distributors from different parts of the world.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Latest news

During the fall of 2016, the Palafolls facilities of the plant physiology division was visited by a total of 35 people, coming from such distant points of the globe as the eastern Mediterranean (Lebanon and Israel), Central America (Costa Rica), and the Canary Islands.

Our guests visited the construction site of the new multiproduct building, and they also saw the in vitro tests being carried out by our R&D department.

The visitors showed great interest Bioiberica’s broad product line: biological attractants, bioavailable nutrition and biostimulants, with an emphasis in our Cera Trap®, Armurox ®, AminoQuelant® – Ca, and AminoQuelant®- Ca/Mg. When the weather permitted, our guests visited fields where Bioiberica products were being used, so that they could see in person the excellent performance of Bioberica’s agricultural solutions.

Visitas otoño 2016 Bioiberica fisiologia vegetal

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