It stands out for its rich content of L-α-amino acids and micronutrients that help make up for manganese and zinc deficiencies in horticultural, fruit and citrus crops.
It consists of three bioavailable nutrition products: AminoQuelant®-Mn Flow, AminoQuelant®-Zn Flow, and AminoQuelant®-Zn/Mn Flow.
Manganese and zinc play an essential role in plant health and growth.
Terramin® Pro increases the beneficial microbiota in soil, helping mobilise nutrients, tolerate stress and boost crop yield.
Terramin® Pro is especially recommended for organic crops, as it is high in organic nitrogen, and IN intensive agricultural systems that need biological regeneration.
Spain has approved the use of Cera Trap by non-professionals, as well as its use on minor crops such as fig and pomegranate.
Cera Trap is a liquid food attractant, highly efficient and pesticide-free, specifically designed for the management of ceratitis capitata, the Mediterranean fruit fly.
The Mediterranean fruit fly is considered one of the most destructive agricultural pests, causing major economic damage in all major fruit producing areas in the world.