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Potassium in Cotton. Effect on Yield and Quality

July 2002
Scientific articles | AminoQuelant®
E. Alcañiz, I. Moncunill
Departamento Técnico de Bioiberica S.A.

AminoQuelant®-K from Bioibérica S.A. is a product based on potassium combined with rapid-assimilation L-a-amino acids. Potassium is a very important nutrient for plants, particularly during the maturation stage. It plays a role in several physiological processes, including activation of certain enzymes, stomatic regulation and transport of nutrients and solutes to the fruits, and it also plays a role in resistance to adverse situations. In cotton, it is particularly important to achieving good-quality fibre and favouring plant maturity. Although potassium is a mobile element, large quanities of it are required during the maturation stage and absorption and transport problems may occur. The application of potassium combined with enzyme hydrolysis L-a-amino acids ensures rapid absorption and transport of potassium to the points of consumption, thanks to the ability of the amino acids to increase membrane permeability.

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