Evaluation of the effect of Incium® applications in peach early varieties to enhance precocity and yield
Incium® is a low molecular weight peptide-based products with radicular activity. It is specially indicated at the onset of radicular activity and during transplantation. The most visible effects of Incium® are the development of a strong radicular apparatus, contributing to enhance crop precocity and production (early fruit crops).
Trial description:
The trial was conducted in Cieza (Murcia Spain) on a peach cultivar, Tirrenia variety. The trees were 5 years old. The plantation area was 6 x 14 m, with approx
imately 417 trees per ha.
2 Incium® applications were conduced. The product was applied through the irrigation system (fertigation). The first application was conducted at early bloom, pink bud stage (09 BBCH) and the second one after 10 days (full bloom). The treatments conducted were the followings:
- Control: no application
- Incium® : 48 + 48 ml/foot (20 + 20 l/lha
Dates for the 2 Incium® applications were:
- 1st application_ 10th or March

- 14th of June (1ª evaluation)
- 19th of June (2nd evaluation)
The evaluated parameters harvested per tree
- Number of fruits harvested per tree
- Mean fruit weight
- Fruit diameter

Graph 2: The average fruit weight obtained in the accumulated production also favoured Incium® treated plots. Specifically, fruits weighting 210 grams were obtained with Incium®, as opposed to those from control plots, which only attained 190 grams per fruit, resulting in a 10% increase in fruit weight with Incium® treatment.Fruit diameter:Graph 3: Fruit diameter evaluations from the first picking did not show any significant differences between Incium® and control – treated plots.
Yeld:Graph 4: The yield obtained in the first picking was higher in Incium® treated plots. A 60% increase was obtained Specifically, an yield increase of 1,859 kg per hectare was obtained with Incium® treatment.Graph 5: Total yield also showed clear differences in favour of Incium® treated plots. An yield increase of 3,979 kg (23%) was obtain with Incium®Trial conclusions:Incium® has proved to be an effective solution to activate the radicular system, providing an advance for the crop cycle. Incium® - treated fruit trees were more precocious and productive. The greater commercial value (higher profitability for the fruit grower) obtained with the early fruits from the first picking is noteworthy.