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II Latin American Symposium on Biostimulants in Agriculture

November 2018
Scientific Communications | Armurox®

Unfavorable climatic conditions, attacks of pathogens and certain stages of development of the plant trigger the expression of the so-called stress proteins. It is proven that the use of certain biostimulants can elicit the expression of said proteins and other compounds whose function is to protect the cell. In the present work, we evaluate the induction of the defensive response of two eliciting products of the plant defenses developed by Bioiberica. Armurox® is a biostimulant based on pe...

7th International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture

October 2017
Scientific Communications | Armurox®

The benefits of silicon fertilization have been gaining recognition in many crop production systems, specifically those in the grass family. Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is the fourth-most produced grain crop worldwide and a high silicon accumulator plant species. Because of the established benefits of silicon fertilization in crop production and known limitations of current application methods for soil-applied silicon amendments, there is a growing interest in using alternative liquid silicon ...

Identification and management alternatives of powdery mildew in rosebush

June 2017
Scientific articles | Armurox®

Rose powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera pannosa affects all aerial parts of the plant, which affects their quality as a major component of economic loss. In this work, the causal agent of powdery mildew of rose was identity and confirmed, the effect of potassium phosphite (K3PO3), silicon, chitosan and dodemorph acetate on the incidence and severity of the disease was evaluated, as well as their response in the quality of flower stalks. Two trials (February to April and from May to July) w...

Prevención y control integrado del oídio con Armurox® en cultivos de hortícolas y fresón.

February 2017
Posters | Armurox®

Entre las enfermedades de origen fúngico que afectan a los cultivos hortícolas destaca por su importancia epidemiológica el oídio. Armurox® es un inductor de resistencia en base a un complejo de péptidos y Silicio soluble, desarrollado por el departamento de I+D de Bioibérica. Los objetivos del presente trabajo son mostrar algunas de las experiencias en cultivos hortícolas y fresón, así como elucidar su mecanismo de acción en un patosistema modelo.

XX Congreso ATALAC, Mexico

September 2016
Scientific Communications | Armurox®

The present work evaluates the efficiency of a new technology that provides sugarcane with a source of bioavailable silicon. The study used commercial land at two different sites (Ameca and Autlán, in Jalisco, Mexico), with a split-plot design and a control. The trials involved two foliar applications of the new formula during the tillering stage at between 30–45 days. The tests included various measurements to determine the product’s effect on the crop’s production potential, such as...