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Bioibérica was present at the 10th Edition of the New Ag International Conference & Exhibition, held in Bangkok in March

Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Latest news | Cera-Trap®

The 10th Edition of the New Ag International meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand, on March 28-30, 2012. An annual conference hosted by the New Ag International journal, it is an essential meeting point between the leading companies in high-tech agriculture and all major producers and distributors. 

All experts agree that Southeast Asia is an emerging market for high-tech agriculture-this is the reason why this year’s edition has been held in Bangkok. This year’s conference has been noted for its high attendance, and it has been a great success.

New Ag International Conference & Exhibition

During the conference, experts coming from Thailand, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, India, Italy, Israel, Turkey and China discussed advances in fertirrigation and irrigation technology, bio-fertilizers, organic bio-stimulants, bio-pesticides, biological pests control and crop protection.

The Plant Physiology Division of BIOIBERICA S.A had a stand at the conference to present their products for plant stress, the Terra Sorb® y AminoQuelant® range of products, as well as its Cera Trap® product for fruit fly control. Ignasi Pons, Export Manager of the Plant Physiology Division and the staff of Intercrop, our distributor for Thailand, were pleased to attend visitors interested in our products. Bioiberica would like to express our appreciation to them for their interest and feedback.

After the success of this year’ Edition of New Ag congress, BIOIBERICA S.A. is already planning for the next year edition that will be the 11th edition. As every year since the first edition, BIOIBERICA will be there.

For further information about New Ag, please visit

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