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Cera Trap™ is the product chosen for the control of the fruit fly in the San Francisco Valley, Brazil

Friday, 12 December 2014
Latest news | Cera-Trap®

The agricultural authorities of the State of Pernambuco have acknowledged the usefulness of Cera Trap™ for the pest control of fruit flies, mostly of the Ceratitis capitata species, which has reached record-setting, unheard of infestation levels.

Fruit flies represent one of the major worries for fruit farmers worldwide. It is a pest that causes direct damage to fruit production (the larvae feed on the pulp, making the fruit unsuitable for consumption or processing), as well as indirect damage, which is caused by the quarantine barriers imposed by fresh fruit importing countries.
More precisely, in the fruit farming region of the San Francisco Valley, in Brazil, over the last years the fruit fly has caused major losses to producers, causing concern among all actors involved, both public and private. In order to reduce the fruit fly levels in this region, the government of the State of Pernambuco, through its Agencia de Defesa e Fiscalização Agropecuária de Pernambuco(ADAGRO), has devised an emergency plan for the control of fruit flies. This plan consists of the monitoring and suppression of that pest by means of chemical, attractant and biological control products.

Representatives of ADAGRO considered that Cera Trap™ is a key tool for the control of the fruit fly in Brazil. 

Bioiberica’s product yielded excellent results, allowing for the capture of massive amounts of fruit flies. Now farmers can control this pest without having to increase production costs and without causing environmental damage, allowing its region to retain its status of largest exportation pool of fresh fruits of the country.
uva ceratitis

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