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Enhancing Plant Tolerance to Temperature Stress with Amino acids: an Approach to their Mode of Action

January 2014
Scientific articles | Terra-Sorb®
Anna Botta
R&D Department, Plant Physiology Division, BIOIBERICA, S.A.
Acta Horticulturae 1009, ISHS 2013: 29-36

Several environmental factors adversely affect plant growth, its development and the final crop yield, being temperature stress (cold, freeze or heat stress) one of the most limiting variables. With the aim to assess the effect of exogenous amino acids treatments, several experiments with plants subjected to different stressing temperatures were conducted applying an amino acid product obtained by Enzymatic Hydrolysis (Terra-Sorb). Findings suggest that Terra-Sorb has a similar effect than natural plant amino acids and promotes a better and prompter crop recovery from temperature stress.

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