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Demonstrative macrotrials to evaluate the use of SinerJet®-Cu as an efficient copper solution in the management of repilo in olive groves

November 2022
Scientific articles | Bioestimulantes | Others

Copper compounds are effective in controlling the main leaf and fruit diseases in the olive tree, being repilo one of the most widespread and with the highest level of affectation.

Currently, however, the European Union has established a limitation on the amount of copper to be applied per hectare and year, which has motivated the search for alternative active materials to copper or formulations with a low content of this element.

The SinerJet®-Cu product manufactured by Bio...

Biostimulant influence on morphological and agrochemical characters in banana (Musa AAA cv. Williams)

May 2022
Scientific articles | Bioestimulantes | Inicium® | StresSal® | Others

Some of the limitations for plant acclimatization in vitro in banana cultivation have been poor rooting and slow leaf development, which affect survival in the field under stress conditions after planting. The aim of this study is to compare seedling response of Musa cv. Williams treated with biostimulants and commercial de-stressing agents. Thirty days after inoculation, pseudostem diameter (cm), fresh plant mass (g), fresh root mass (g), root number, soil-plant analysis developmen...

SinerJet®-Cu in the management of olive repilo

March 2022
Scientific articles | Others

The SinerJet®-Cu product manufactured by Bioibérica S.A.U is a 5% organic solution of copper, easily assimilated, whose complexing agents are L-α-amino acids that facilitate the absorption and translocation of copper.

The efficacy of SinerJet®-Cu against the blackhead has been evaluated by its in vitro effect on the germination of the conidia and against the infection in inoculated seedlings and in olive trees in the field subjected to natural infection.

14th National Congress of Horticultural Sciences

June 2015
Scientific Communications | Others

The effect of using amphipathic lipids as an edible coating on Royal Rosa variety stored plumbs at 1°C for 50 days and 1 day at 20ºC was analyzed. Treated plumbs reduced their ethylene emission levels. Likewise, their respiration rate was lower than in control fruits. This kept the plumbs quality for longer. In addition, throughout the storage period, they showed smaller maturity index and weight losses than the control fruits. All treated plums showed a better external appearance due to d...

Perturbations of Amino acid metabolism associated with Glyphosate-dependent inhibition of shikimic acid metabolism affect cellular redox homeostasis and alter the abundance of proteins involved in photosynthesis and photorespiration

December 2011
Scientific articles | Others

The herbicide glyphosate inhibits the shikimate pathway of the synthesis of amino acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine, andtryptophan. However, much uncertainty remains concerning precisely how glyphosate kills plants or affects cellular redoxhomeostasis and related processes in glyphosate-sensitive and glyphosate-resistant crop plants. To address this issue, weperformed an integrated study of photosynthesis, leaf proteomes, amino acid profiles, and redox profiles in the glyphosatesensitive...