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The Plant Physiology Division to launch their new CeraTrap™ website

Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Products | Cera-Trap®

CeraTrap™ is the most efficient and eco-friendly solution for the fruit fly pest affecting citrus and fruit trees
This new website includes a calculator to accurately determine the precise quantity of traps needed per hectare

The Ceratitis Capitata fruit fly is one of the most damaging pests affecting the fruit sector. CeraTrap™, Bioiberica’s biological attractant, is a trap system that does not leave chemical residues in the fruits, fighting this pest in an efficient and 100% eco-friendly way.

Since CeraTrap™ became available in the market in 2007, there have been more than 100 field trials in all types of terrains, gaining ample international presence worldwide.  This biological attractant is available in more than 30 countries, with their sales increasing worldwide.

The new CeraTrap™ website not only provides users with information about this product; it also provides them with useful guiding advice about the best way to use the traps in their crops. The trap calculator takes into account the type and width of the crop to precisely determine the exact number of traps needed. These traps are extremely easy to setup, as can be seen in the explanatory videos. 


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