StresSal® Osmoregulator

Given this problem, the Bioiberica R&D Department has developed a new product that specifically addresses the damage caused by a high concentration of salt in farmland.
High salt concentrations cause a drop in the soil’s water potential, which makes it difficult for plants to absorb water and nutrients. StresSal® is an osmoregulator that acts on the plant by reducing the water potential inside the cells to prevent dehydration. This makes it possible to achieve high crop performance, even under restrictive saline conditions.
With the aim of evaluating the physiological changes caused by StresSal® that make plants more tolerant of saline conditions and to gain a deeper understanding of the product’s action mechanism, several field tests were carried out on different crops irrigated with water with varying salinity levels (from 3 to 9 dS/m EC, depending on the test). These studies were presented at the 6th Iberian Congress on Horticultural Sciences held in Logroño, Spain.
The results show that the application of StresSal® has a clear positive effect on the development of aerial biomass at all the salinity levels studied. Increased absorption of water and nutrients was also observed, as well as greater leaf water content in plants treated with StresSal® compared to untreated control plants.
StresSal® favours the reestablishment of plants’ functional balance under saline conditions. It therefore increases the absorption of water through the roots and transport to the aerial part, thus resulting in better development and increased leaf succulence. Supplying compatible solutes that are easily accumulated by plants makes it possible to obtain high crop performance, even under restrictive saline conditions.
In most cases, the application of a standard saline corrector partially mitigates the damage caused. However, the application of StresSal® provides greater protection than merely increasing leaf fresh weight.
To see the complete study, go to “Salt Tolerance Induced by the Osmotic Regulator StresSal®”.