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Terra-Sorb® foliar. A Great Ally Against Frost Damage

Monday, 03 August 2009
Field Experience | Terra-Sorb® | Horticultural

We have already mentioned on several occasions about the usefulness of using amino acids to protect and heal cultivations from the effects of low temperatures and mild frost

Because of the high variability of our Mediterranean climate, there can be frost during unusual times of the season. If the frost coincides with the stage when the cultivation is most sensitive to cold, there can be very important losses in production.

Use of Terra-Sorb® foliar both pre-emptively, or during and after the frost period, supplies the plants with an ensemble of active amino acids that will rapidly cure the plants.

Next, we will present an experiment carried out in an artichoke plantation in Peñiscola, Castellón province, during the 1999 growing season. During the month of January there were temperatures below 0º C during several nights. This caused severe damage to the fruits, especially among the very small sized ones. After the frost, the plants received two applications of Terra-Sorb® foliar (doses of 3 l/ha), with a time span of 10 days between each dose.

After two months, by the middle of March, the condition of the fruit was evaluated. They were compared with a neighbouring plantation of similar characteristics that was not been treated with Terra-Sorb® foliar. The healing of affected fruits was approximately 80% higher in the plantation treated with Terra-Sorb® foliar in relation to the untreated plantation.

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