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Ecological Attractant CeraTrap® to Monitor and Control Fruit Flies

December 2023
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®
Ricardo Hernández Pérez, Mario Alberto Miranda Salcedo, Edgar Miguel Cotoc-Roldán, Gilberto Ríos Vargas
Technology Institute of Zacatepec (ITZ), Col. Center 27. Zacatepec, Morelos. Mexico. P.C 62780., National Institute of Forest, Agricultural and Livestock Research. Apatzingan, Michoacan. Mexico. 60781, Fruit Flies IPM Consultant. 87. Poniente 913, Puebla, Mexico, C.P. 72480, Agrotecnología Alternativa, S.A de C.V. Orange trees Mz 155 Lt 13.Col. Vistas del Pedregal, P.C. 14737 Del. Tlalpan. Mexico City
Southwestern Entomologist, Vol 48, No. 4

CeraTrap®, an innovative attractant marketed for more than 15 years as a unique alternative for monitoring and surveillance in pest management programs was compared for its efficacy (up to 94%), economy (reprimed 1.5 to 2 months), and ecological management with various attractants to capture or eliminate fruit flies in different crops in the field, with special attraction on females. This review includes controversial aspects explained by researchers who agree on usefulness of the attractant in sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture with the environment, emphasized attraction improved when yellow or white traps were used. Mass control and economy in field systems had more impact (FTD = 0.5-0.7%) using polyethylene terephthalate (PET) traps.

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