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Effect of Terra-Sorb® and AminoQuelant®-K application on production and fruit size in avocado

Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Field Experience | Terra-Sorb® | Tropical crops

Avocado is a very important crop worldwide, which adapts to very different edaphic and climatic conditions.

The characteristics of this crop, specially its great vigor, its slow production start and the adverse factors to which flowering and fruit setting are subject to, entail a high production variability.
Thus, crop management is very important in order to ensure a larger haverst.
This trial has evaluated the application of Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular (application through drip irrigation) and AminoQuelant®-K (foliar application) to determine whether they can be helpful to increase production in this crop.


avocados-301803_640Trial data

ORGANISM: Agrogest.
LOCATION: Salvador Heredia's estate, Vélez-Málaga. Málaga.
AGE: adult.

Experimental design


  • Control: untreated.
  • Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular + AminoQuelant®-K: 43 l/ha + 12 l/ha.


10 trees each, 2 repetitions for each treatment.


Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular is applied radicularly by microsprinkler irrigation in 8 applications and AminoQuelant®-K by foliar spray, 3 applications before harvest.

The first application of Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular starts with the beginning of flowering.

date product Dose l/ha.
26/04  Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular 4
06/05  Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular
17/05  Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular 7,7 
01/06  Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular
17/06  Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular
10/07  Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular 7,7 
05/08  Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular 7,7 
30/08  Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular
accumulated Terra-Sorb® 4 macro radicular 43 
01/03  AminoQuelant®-K
15/03  AminoQuelant®-K
24/03  AminoQuelant®-K
accumulated AminoQuelant®-K 12




  • Applying Terra-Sorb® in avocado crop from flowering until fruit development has a very positive effect on fruit setting and fruit retention.
  • The important production increase thanks to Terra-Sorb® and AminoQuelant®-K treatment is observed in all commercial categories.
  • AminoQuelant®-K application seems to have a positive effect on fruit size and production; however, a correction of the fertilization program is recommended to adjust it to the number of fruits set.

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