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Amino acids in radicular exudates

Monday, 27 July 2009
Terra-Sorb® | Applied Knowledge

Cells situated in the root tips segregate a substance called by some authors a gel, mucilage, exudate, radicular segregation, etc.

These apical regions segregate the exudate in the soil area close to the zone of growth of the roots (rhizosphere.) (Rizosfera).
The exudate is not a tissue but only a secretion. However, the fact that it is continuously present in the roots, leads us to consider it as an important part of the radicular system.
Although the root tips are the main zone of exudation of mucilage, rootlets or root hairs also exude mucilage.


What is the use of radicular exudates

We can suggest from the conclusions of the numerous studies existing on the subject, two main functions:
Function as lubricant of the soil particles, thus easing the pass or growth of roots.
Nutritive function, supplying hormones and exudate nutrients from the plant itself, that helps the radicular growth and to mobilized ions.
Many ions that are essentials for vegetal nutrition, such as phosphates, potassium and numerous micro elements, are by themselves quite immobile in the soil. It has been proven that when these micro elements are in the radicular exudate, their mobility increases. This fact is probably caused by variations in the pH as well as complexation phenomena with different organic acids and amino acids.


What is the composition of radicular exudates

After having studied the radicular exudates of numerous plants, we can conclude that, in general, the main components of radicular exudates are: amino acids, organic acids and other polysaccharides.
Moreover, in certain species of cultivated gramineae the above mentioned components have been identified quantitatively, with amino acids representing more than three quarters of the components.
Amino acids present in the radicular exudates are predominantly acids. In addition, there are amines derived from them (asparagines and glutamine.)
Some amino acids such as glutamic acid function as precursors for formation of new amino acids, as well as a providing a complexing function of different ions present in the soil.
The fruit of their exhaustive experimentation and in-depth investigations was the creation by BIOIBERICA of Terra-Sorb 4 Macro-Radicular.
J.D. Mauseth, 1988; H. Jenny y R. Grossenbacher, 1963; M. P. Greaves and Darbyshire, 1972; D.J. Greenland, 1079; A.S. Foster et al, 1983; E. W. Russell, 1977; Ch. Schobert et al, 1988; D.A. Klein et al, 1988; J.S. Pate, 1962.

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