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Ceratitis capitata control on table grapes in Israel by the mass trapping system Cera Trap

July 2012
Posters | Cera-Trap®

The fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, is worldwide notorious for their destructive impact on agriculture and is one of the most difficult pests to handle. The control of this pest has historically relied on pesticide treatments which are currently not well considered because of its toxicological and environmental awareness. At present, mass trapping techniques are one of the control methods used against med fly as an alternative to standard insecticide sprays.For some deciduous fruits, such as ...

Effectiveness of bait station MS2® and food attractant Cera Trap® as an alternative for catching fruit flies in Veracruz, Mexico

April 2012
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®

Different trap alternatives have been tested to strengthen the national program against fruit flies in México, contributing to propose of a new trap design and a more efficient method, with rational use of resources and environmental protection. The effectiveness of bait station MS2® combined with Cera Trap® attractant was tested with respect to other treatments on grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf. var. Blanca), in the Cañadas Community, Martínez de la Torre Municipality, Veracruz State...

An environmentally friendly alternative (MS2®-CeraTrap®) for control of fruit flies in Mexico.

November 2011
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®

This paper reports on progress and innovations recently introduced at the National Programme of Fruit Flies in Mexico. It offers data about analternative for catch of especially the fruit flies Anastrepha spp., using together with the bait station MS2® and the efficient attractant CeraTrap®,which decreases the rates of MTD (flies/trap/day) in four weeks. New method was considered an environmentally friendly alternative with lessinjurious effects on beneficial fauna by reduced insecticide a...

CeraTrap, the mass trapping system to control citric fruit fly pest.

April 2011
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®

The efficacy of CeraTrap (CT), a specifically developed enzymatic hydrolyzed protein, was evaluated against standard mass trapping (STD mass trapping) and standard chemical treatments (Chemical STD) with field trials carried out in citrus orchards assessing medfly captures and punctured fruit. Field trials were conducted on susceptible mandarin trees (Citrus reticulata cv. Esbal), orange trees (Citrus sinensis cv. Washington Navel) and clementine trees (Citrus clementina cv. Oronules) in Mor...