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Evaluation of three types of traps for Mediterranean flies Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in Acatenango, Guatemala, C.A.

November 2020
Posters | Cera-Trap®
Cotoc Roldán, E. M. (1); Vela Luch, W. C.(2); Estrada Marroquín, C. (2)
Asesor en MIP de Moscas de la Fruta(1) ; Presidente de la Cooperativa Integral Agrícola ACATENANGO R.L. (2) ; ; Gerente técnico de la Cooperativa Integral Agrícola ACATENANGO R.L. (2)
10º Congreso Americano de Moscas de la Fruta

In 2018, coffee represented 8.5% of exports in Guatemala, which places it as the second mostIn 2018, coffee represented 8.5% of exports in Guatemala, which places it as the second mostcommercialized good in the country, after textiles (Banco de Guatemala, 2018). In 2016 the coffee sectorrepresented 2.5% of the country's GDP. Coffee cultivation tasks employ 125 thousand people. 97% of themare small coffee growers responsible for 47% of the national production. Adding to that the rest of thepeople who directly or indirectly collaborate with the coffee tasks in Guatemala, this sector generates about400 thousand jobs in the country (CBTS, 2019).The Mediterranean fly damages more than 400 species of fruits and vegetables such as coffee cherries,mangoes, citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, tangerine), apple, peach, pear, guava, star apple, plums, medlarand others (Moscamed Guatemala program , 2020).Trapping as defined by the FAO in 1990 is the official procedure carried out in a given period of time todetermine the characteristics of a pest population or to determine the species present within an area (IAEA,2005).

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