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Mass trapping evaluation with Cera Trap® for the control of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in mango plantations in the Zacapa region of Guatemala, C.A.

November 2020
Posters | Cera-Trap®
Tobar Arriola. J.B.(1); Cerdà i Subirachs, J.M.(2); Rios Vargas, G.(3)
Gerente Comercial Terra Fertil(1) ; Export/Area Manager Bioiberica S.A.U. (2) ; ; Gerente de Agrotecnología Alternativa, S.A de C.V. (3)
10º Congreso Americano de Moscas de la Fruta

In Guatemala, one factor that stimulates the economy is the growth and expansion of mango consumption,In Guatemala, one factor that stimulates the economy is the growth and expansion of mango consumption,those can be nationally and internationally by exports represented by the Ataulfo mango for the market inthe United States, Europe and Central American (Honduras and El Salvador). To this market dynamism canbe added the transformations that can be carried out in the medium and long term, according to theprospective analysis of the chain (AMBROCIO, 2018)MAGA - Government programs provide technical assistance to fruit producers, through DEFRUTA program,this technical assistance to the small and medium-sized producer consist with occasional visits to theplantations. Climate changes have severely influenced, damaging flowering and ripening and harvestingtimes, increasing pests and diseases in plantations. According to statistics recorded by Guatemala at SIECA,during 2016, Guatemala recorded mango exports to the Central American region and the rest of the worldworth U.S. $. 13.9 million, corresponding to 24,500 T of handle (AMBROCIO, 2018).In recent times Guatemala is the fifth mango-producer country in Latin America, with 39 million poundsexported in 2018, equivalent to $10 million. Export mango production generates more than a thousandpermanent jobs on farms and packing plants and more than 50 thousand wages during the three months ofharvest. It's been considering with the good agronomic management this variety can achieve yields per treeabove 40 boxes of nine pounds of export, which would equator to 25 tons of exportable fruit per hectare.The country exports fresh mango to the United States, Canada, Europe and Chile (FORBES Central America,2019).The Mediterranean fruit fly is one of the most destructive pests in the world, has a great capacity toreproduce and is able to wipe out whole fruit plantations. They usually infest fruits with or withoutcommercial value, but then migrate to large-scale plantations and lay their eggs in mature soft-shelledfruits. Sometimes they are detected until the fruit has been marketed and by then, the larva or worm hasdeveloped (MOSCAMED Guatemala Program, 2020)Another way to circumvent the environmental impact of conventional chemical control is through thedevelopment of devices called "bait stations" (BS), which, to be considered efficient, must meet therequirements of being economically profitable, easy to use and long lasting in the field. Closely linked to theconcept of BS is the mass trapping control as a strategy where the application of insecticides is completelyeliminated.Cera Trap® it’s a product developed and formulated by Bioibérica S.A.U, as a soluble concentrate (SL)hydrolyzed proteins obtained enzymatically, which is used as a food attractant for catching adults from fruitflies by using bait stations in the mass trapping.The competitive advantage of Cera Trap® lies in:1. Its’ duration is virtually unlimited (as long as there is liquid, thanks to its’ preservatives),2. High capture efficiency,3. It is formulated ready for use.All of these attributes make its use for control purposes, competing directly with insecticide treatments,thanks to mass trapping technology, with cheap home traps that make it economical for the grower.The tri-national program MOSCAMED (Guatemala - Mexico - U.S.A.) for a few years has implemented theuse of a new tool for controlling of the Mediterranean fruit fly pest, this is through of the use of Cera Trap®,which is an attractive liquid food that is based on a protein formula constituted as an ecological solutionthat does not use insecticide as it is ready to use.Cera Trap® system is based on the emission of volatile compounds, mainly amines heterocyclic(piperazindions) and organic acids, with high attractive power for adults in the complex fruit flies, especiallyfor virgin females.

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