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Dealing with spotted wing drosophila: new insights on Suzukii Trap® bait performance worldwide.

May 2017
Posters | Suzukii Trap®
Botta, A., Marín, C., Sierras, N., Cowles, R.S.
R&D Plant Physisology, Bioibérica S.A Pol. Ind. “Mas Puigvert”. Ctra. N-II, Km. 680,6. 08389 Palafolls (Barcelona), Spain, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Windsor, CT, USA.
3rd International Conference on Area-wide Management, Vienna AUT

Since the recent nearly worldwide establishment of Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in berry crops, various methods are being tested to control their invasive populations. Strategy components such as insecticide treatments, mass trapping or attract and kill are being considered for integrated management. Monitoring of populations, early detection and damage threshold establishment with an effective attractant and trap has become essential for managing this invasive pest. A new Suzukii Trap bait formula (Suzukii Trap® Maxcaptures) has been developed by Bioiberica, S.A.U. to capture this new pest with improved specificity. The objective of this communication is to present field trapping experiments with Suzukii Trap bait, conducted in a variety of crops, locations, and with other attractants. We suggest that superior efficacy and specificity of this bait may improve implementation of management systems that rely on attraction of spotted wing drosophila, and so Suzukii Trap® Maxcaptures may be an important product to advance integrated pest management.

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