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Efficacy of new commercial traps and the lure ceratrap® against ANASTREPHA OBLIQUA (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE)

December 2014
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®
Rodrigo Lasa, Alejandra Cruz
Red de Manejo Biorracional de Plagas y Vectores, Instituto de Ecología, México
Florida Entomologist 97(4): 1369 - 1377

Traps, lures, and trap/lure combinations were tested against the West Indian fruit fly, Anastrephaobliqua Macquart (Diptera: Tephritidae). The study aimed to evaluate the efficiencyof possible trap/lure substitutes for the traditional McPhail glass trap baited withhydrolyzed protein, which is the trap/lure combination approved for monitoring this pestin Mexico. CeraTrap®, an enzymatically hydrolyzed protein, caught as many or more A.obliqua flies as McPhail traps baited with the chemically hydrolyzed protein, Captor®, orwith the dry lure, Biolure. When fly densities were high, the average capture was 3 timesgreater for CeraTrap than for the other lures. Sex ratios were generally female-biased andsimilar among all lures tested. The CeraTrap lure was not replaced during the course ofthe experiment and good attraction and preservation of captured specimens were observedafter one month of use. CeraTrap attracted more lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) thanother lures. When commercial traps baited with liquid lures were evaluated under cageconditions, traps with lateral holes, such as Maxitrap and Tephri trap, captured more fliesthan traps with open bottom access. New commercial traps baited with CeraTrap were significantlymore efficient than McPhail traps baited with hydrolyzed protein in hog plum(Spondias mombin L.; Sapindales: Anacardiaceae) but similar in mango (Mangifera indicaL.; Sapindales: Anacardiaceae). We conclude that the CeraTrap lure is an efficient lure whenused in combination with other inexpensive simple traps for monitoring this pest, includingduring periods of low population density.

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