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Evaluating Mass Trapping for Managing Populations of Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) Using Suzukii Trap® System.

June 2014
Posters | Suzukii Trap®
Botta, A., Carrión, M., Sierras, N., Sorribas, R., Marín, C.
R&D Department, BIOIBERICA, S.A., Barcelona, Spain, Servei de Sanitat Vegetal, Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural, Barcelona, Spain
IOBC VIII Workshop on Integrated Soft Fruit Production, Italy

Developing improved strategies for managing Drosophila suzukii (spotted wing drosophila SWD) will be necessary to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides and minimize the damage caused by this recently introduced pest. Given the limitations in insecticide active ingredients and the need for integrated management of pests, the R&D Department of Bioiberica has developed Suzukii Trap®, a specific food attractant for monitoring and mass trapping D.suzukii. During 2013, several trials were performed in different locations and conditions of pest pressure, with the aim of studying the behavior of the fly and evaluating the best strategy of mass trapping.

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