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Role of amino acid-based biostimulants to ameliorate crop damaging effect and increase efficiency of post-emergence herbicides in field crops.

November 2019
Posters | Bioestimulantes | Terra-Sorb®
Anna Botta, Dobrinka A. Balabanova, Cándido Marín, Nuria Sierras, Andon Vassilev, Christine H. Foyer
Plant Health Division, BIOIBERICA S.A.U., C/ Antic Camí de Tordera 109-119, Palafolls (Barcelona), 08389, Spain (, Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Centre of Plant Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
4th Biostimulants World Congress (Barcelona, Spain)

Post-emergence herbicides are commonly used to control weeds in field crops worldwide Depending on their crop selectivity, herbicides may cause crop adverse effects particularly under stress conditions, such as reduction of chlorophyll content, affection in photosynthesis performance and appearance of micronutrient deficiencies On the other hand, the application of amino acid based biostimulants have beneficial effects on crops reducing production losses caused by environmental stresses However, there is limited data on the use of amino acids biostimulants to recover crops from herbicide damaging effects The aim of this study was to explore whether the application of amino acid based biostimulants could improve crop performance and recovery from phytotoxic effect produced by broad spectrum herbicides in sunflower, soybean and wheat Terra-Sorb® is an amino acid based biostimulant obtained from selected protein sources by the pharmaceutical extraction technology based on enzymatic hydrolysis Enzyneer®.

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