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Effect of amino acid biostimulant on the yield and nutraceutical potential of soybean

July 2018
Scientific articles | Bioestimulantes | Terra-Sorb®
Slawomir Kocira1
1 University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Faculty of Production Engineering, Akademicka 13, 20-950, Lublin, Poland

Advancement in crop cultivation technologies strives to increase the yield and improve the quality of crops under minimized threats posed to the natural environment. Application of biostimulants is a treatment which increases crop yield and quality particularly after plants exposure to stress conditions. The objective of the work was to determine changes in yield and nutraceutical potential of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) ‘Atlanta’ after application of biostimulant. A field experiment was conducted in three growing seasons (2014-2016). Terra-Sorb® Complex biostimulant was applied in the
growing season in the form of single or double spraying in two concentrations (0.3% and 0.5%). Number of biostimulant applications and its concentration modified yield and quality of crop and also the nutraceutical and antioxidative potential of soybean. Foliar application of biostimulant improved yield of soybean (increased by 25% compared to the control) without any negative effect on the nutritive value of seeds. The application of biostimulant increased (compared to the control) number of pods and seeds (32%), plant height (38%), phenolic content (34%), flavonoids content (74%), and reducing power (210%). Taking into account biometric traits of soybean plants, positive effects were observed in the case of single biostimulant applications with lower concentration. The conducted study demonstrated a significant increase in the soybean yield and antioxidant potential after double application of the tested biostimulant at higher concentration. On the other hand, total fat and protein content was higher in plants treated once with a lower product concentration.

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