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Effect of Spraying Raspberry Fruits of the Autumn Bliss Cultivar With AminoQuelant Calcium and Stopit Prior to Fruit Picking

December 1997
Scientific articles | AminoQuelant®
Luis Luchsinger L. y Jean Paul Merlet V.
Centro de Estudios Postcosecha (CEPOC), Facultad de ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Univ. de Chile
Ciencia e investigación Agraria vol 24. nº 2 y 3

The importance of calcium to the stability, structure and rigidity of the cell wall and membranes has been shown in several vegetable species, as it results in tissues that are firmer and more resistant (Ferguson and Drobak, 1988). There are new calcium-based products that provide greater absorption of the mineral by the plant tissues. Complementing this with an appropriate frequency of application should produce better results than those obtained in previous studies; this would mean firmer fruit and a lower incidence of rotting, thereby increasing the storage period. The objective of this study was to compare different sources of calcium, different concentrations and application frequencies prior to fruit picking in the Autumn Bliss raspberry cultivar.

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