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Integrated control of Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) by mass trapping with an enzymatic hydrolyzed protein

January 2008
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®
J.M. Llorens, E. Matamoros, A. Lucas, C. Marín and N. Sierras.
Servicio de Sanidad Vegetal de Alicante, Servicio de Sanidad Vegetal de las Tierras del Ebro, Servicio de Sanidad Vegetal Región de Murcia., Dpto. I+D+i Fisiología Vegetal, BIOIBERICA, S.A.
IOBC wprs Bulletin Vol. 38, 150-156

Field trials were conducted on sensitive mandarin trees (Citrus reticulate cv. Beatriz and Oronules) and fig trees (Ficus carica cv. Colar) in Tarragona, Alicante and Murcia (Spain) to assess the effectiveness of an enzymatic hydrolyzed specifically developed protein (Cera Trap®) against the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera Tephritidae). The efficacy of Cera Trap (CT) was evaluated against standard farm control strategies (mass trapping or chemical treatments), assessing medfly captures and fruit damage (punctured fruits on trees, ground and warehouse). The efficacy field trials showed that (1) capture levels of CT were as good as those obtained by the standard farm control strategies (2) fruit damage was lower on CT treated trees than under the farm standard control strategies. The hydrolyzed protein studied successfully controls the pest population, decreases medfly fruit damage and provides long-term control (from fruit ripening until harvest) reducing pesticide application to a minimum or even making it completely unnecessary.

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