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Scientific Communications

Mass Trapping of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly

June 2008
Scientific Communications | Cera-Trap®

Cera Trap is a new system for mass trapping of the Mediterranean fruit fly; it does not use insecticide in its formulation or in its application in the field. It has a considerable attraction effect on adult flies and a minimal effect on other fauna. Cera Trap uses a protein hydrolysate to capture Ceratitis capitata. The Cera Trap system captures females in a higher proportion than males.

2nd Conference of the Fertilization Group of the Spanish Society of Horticultural Sciences

November 2007
Scientific Communications | AminoQuelant®

Improved quality parameters in peach trees and strawberries by the addition of Ca or K with amino acids. This study evaluates the efficacy of the application of two products - AminoQuelant-K and AminoQuelant-Ca (amino acids with K and Ca, respectively), specially designed by the Bioibérica, S.A. R&D department to improve fruit production and quality.