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Citrus experts from the Maghreb confirm that Cera Trap® is the best option for controlling the pest Ceratitis capitata

Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Latest news | Cera-Trap®

The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, comes from Sub Sahara Africa and is one of the most damaging agricultural pests worldwide.

Earlier variants of tangerines and oranges suffer most from these pests, with a yellow stain forming around the female’s bite.
The Maghreb countries are among the leading producers and exporters of citrus fruits, which is why it is extremely important for them to have effective systems for controlling the Mediterranean fruit fly pest. By controlling these pests, it allows them to have top quality crops, free from bites and pesticide residues.  
Cera Trap® fulfills these requirements since it is an efficient and eco-friendly pest control system. In addition, it provides a lower number of insect bites than the standard chemical treatments, without leaving residues and sparing the useful fauna. It can also be used in a lower trap density mode in a joint strategy with chemical treatments, aiming at dramatically reducing the number of chemical treatments needed for control of these pests.
The efficacy of Cera Trap has been confirmed in all the major citrus production areas of the Maghreb and is now sold in Morocco, Algeria and Tunis. When the first trials and market launchings began in 2010, Cera Trap® was perceived as the technological solution of the future-however, it is now a reality, with a remarkable and growing presence across the entire region. All of this is thanks to the hard work of Bioiberica’s distributors in Morocco, Algeria and Tunis. 


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