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Cera Trap®

Food Attractant for Ceratitis Capitata

Terra-Sorb® foliar, su mejor aliado contra el estrés

A highly effective and selective biological method to control fruit flies that reduces the need for insecticide applications, or even makes them unnecessary.

Cera Trap® is a specific food attractant bait for the capture of Ceratitis capitata. It is an effective,100% organic system to control the Mediterranean fruit fly.

Cera Trap® evaporates to release volatile compounds, mostly amines and organic acids, which attract the adult flies, especially females. Cera Trap® is applied inside the trap (fly trap with holes) to facilitate the release of volatile compounds and the capture of the flies.


Hydrolyzed proteins 5.5% w/w (59 g/l).

Why choose Cera Trap®?

CeraTrap, gran selectividad
High selectivity

CeraTrap® has been developed in order to achieve the greatest attractant power possible over the fruit fly whilst, in turn, not harming the useful fauna due to its high degree of selectivity.

Ceratrap, solución ecológica 100%
100% organic solution

The high attractive power of CeraTrap® effectively controls the pest without the need to add insecticide (vapona and pyrethrin). Other mass trapping systems where the addition of insecticide isn't required are very inefficient and not very specific.

CeraTrap, no deja residuos en frutos
Doesn’t leave residue

It can be used without any type of restriction via two systems: liquid attractant in a container for priming the plants or a bottle and a fly catcher (ready to use) that combines the liquid and the trap in a single product.

CeraTrap, relación coste/eficacia excelente
Excellent cost/efficiency

Excellent cost-effectiveness ratio. The CeraTrap® system's cost is comparable to intensive treatments with chemical products.

Uses and applications


The trap should be placed regularly according to the farm layout. If appropriate, based on the knowledge of each farm in particular, specific edges where flies are known to enter from the outside can be reinforced.

Placement example

Diagram of placement on a farm with a planting area of 5 m. x 4 m., with 100 flytraps per hectare (1).

The edges of the farms lined with traps can always be reinforced if we take into consideration that there will be a great number of flies on the outside (adjacent farms).


Traps are normally placed on the south or south-east face of the tree, at 2/3 of the total height of the tree, and approximately 1/3 from the interior in relation to the trunk. Fix the trap between branches so that it does not swing excessively.


For citrus, fruit trees and vine crops the fly catchers will be placed in-field 45 minutes before the commercial maturity of the fruit.


Trap density

The number of traps required will basically depend on the total area to be protected and the varietal sensitivity. The densities recommended obtain effective pest management and limit the requirement for additional insecticide treatments, achieving the intended purpose: “Effective pest control”. The effectiveness of the trap may depend on the model used, its evaporation rate, the contact area of the attractant, the air space, etc.

Recommended density

70 to 110



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