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6th Iberian Conference on Horticultural Sciences

June 2009
Scientific Communications | StresSal®
A.Botta, A.Muñoz-Mayor, M.Bolarín, C.Marín y R. Piñol
Dpto. I+D Fisiología vegetal BIOIBERICA,S.A Barcelona, Dpto. Biología del Estrés y Patología Vegetal, CEBAS-CSIC Murcia
Logroño, España

In order to evaluate the physiological changes that determine the tolerance to salinity induced by StresSal and to learn as much as possible about the mechanism of action of the product, we carried out an experiment in a growing chamber on tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) that developed with different levels of salinity (50, 100 and 150mM NaCl). The aim of the study was to examine the response of the plants in the short-to-medium term, more related to the osmotic effect due to the reduction in the osmotic potential of the cultivation medium, by means of 3 samples taken 15, 30 and 45 days after treatment. The results show that the application of StresSal has a clear positive effect on the development of aerial biomass at all levels of salinity studied. We also observed increased absorption of water and nutrients and a higher leaf content of water in the plants treated with StresSal than in the untreated control plants. Furthermore, the reduced leaf osmotic potential values shown by the treated plants support the hypothesis that the increased tolerance to salinity is due to the greater osmotic-adjustment capacity that StresSal causes in the plant. In light of these data, we can conclude that the main effect of StresSal is to encourage re-establishment of the functional balance of the plant in the saline medium and, therefore, to increase the plant’s ability to absorb water through the roots and transport it to the aerial parts, thereby leading to improved development and more succulent leaves. In order to verify this effect in the field, we carried out agronomy trials in different crops under salt stress conditions. The data obtained in peppers, lettuce and runner beans show that the application of StresSal mitigates the harmful effects of salinity, thereby allowing high yields in these crops, even under such restrictive conditions.

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