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Evaluation of agronomic efficiency and Techincal feasibility of the use of AminoAlexin® in soybean crops

Tuesday, 07 April 2020
Field Experience | Extensive crops | Optimus®
Evaluation of agronomic efficiency and Techincal feasibility of the use of AminoAlexin® in soybean crops

What benefit does the application of AminoAlexin® bring to soybean crops?

Objective: to evaluate the use of the AminoAlexin® in soybean cultivation at different stages of application and the resulting benefit.

Materials and methods: the variety M6410 was used with a final density of 320,000 plants ha-1. Fertilization was used organomineral fertilizer (07-25-00) and KCl according to soil analysis, also making routine cultural practices and phytosanitary treatments. The experimental design used was randomized blocks (DBC), with four treatments, in three replications. The plots amounted to an area of ​​13.75 m² and evaluations were made in a useful area of ​​each plot of 6.6 m². All plots were corrected at harvest time for humidity of 13%. AminoAlexin® was applied using a dose of 0.5 L / ha and different time and number of applications were compared (Table 1.) The control was not treated withAminoAlexin® . There were 3 treatments with AminoAlexin®, in which Treatment 2 was applied in V3, Treatment 3 was applied twice, once in V3 and once in stage V8 and finally Treatment 4 was applied 4 times in V3, V8, R1 and R4.

Optimus Table 1

Results: an increase in productivity of up to 12% is observed when the AminoAlexin® product was applied 4 times in different vegetative stages of soybeans. As for the quantitative results, 4 applications of AminoAlexin® provided 29% more pods / plant and 26% more grains / plant when compared to the control (Table 2).

Optimus Table 2

Conclusion: The use of AminoAlexin® at 0.5 L / ha via leaf proved to be efficient agronomically and with good technical efficiency in the use of soybean.

Optimus Graph 1

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