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Agronomic and genetic study of the promoting effect of Equilibrium® on fruit set and fruit development in tomato.

December 2019
Posters | Equilibrium® | Bioestimulantes
Anna Botta1, Sandra Bretones2, Cándido Marín1, Ramón Sánchez1, Núria Sierras1, Rafael Lozano2
(1) Plant Health Division, BIOIBERICA S.A.U., C. Antic camí de Tordera 109-119 Palafolls (Barcelona), 08389, España (, (2) Universidad de Almería, Edificio CITE II-B (Almería), España.
Simposio: La Fitosanidad en el cultivo del tomate: de los riesgos actuales a las nuevas amenazas (Águilas, Murcia)

The flowering and fruit set is one of the most sensitive and critical phenological stages for the productive development of the crop, especially if some stress factor is involved that can unbalance the plant and negatively affect fruit set. The state of health and nutritional balance of the plant will also determine the capacity of retention of fruits that the vegetable will be able to develop later. Organic biostimulants, such as amino acids or algae extracts, have been used for years precisely to cushion the effects of these adverse external factors and protect the fertilization of the flower and the developing fruit, through the improvement of the bioavailability of nutrients or synthesis and mobilization of phytohormones and photoassimilates to the fruit. Equilibrium® (Bioiberica) is an innovative biostimulant that combines the synergistic action of the best amino acid and algae extracts (Ascophyllum nodosum) specifically developed to ensure balanced fruit set. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the genetic and physiological mechanisms that underlie the promoter action of the compounds of the new biostimulant.

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