Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Latest news | Citrus | Field Experience | Frut trees | Products | Terra-Sorb® | Horticultural | Applied Knowledge | AminoQuelant® | Olive Tree | Cera-Trap® | Extensive crops | Suzukii Trap® / Dacus Trap® | Berries | Crop-Scan® | Tropical crops | Inicium® | Vine & grape | Armurox® | Optimus® | StresSal® | Equilibrium®
• This new online asset offers information on technology, products and scientific publications of this Bioibérica business unit
• Replaces and concentrates in a single space, different webs that, until now, coexisted separately
• With a more modern and usable style, and a totally responsive design seeks a more direct communication with customers
Tuesday, 01 December 2015
Field Experience | Suzukii Trap® / Dacus Trap® | Vine & grape
The term “table grape” applies to those grape variants containing smaller amounts of sugar. They are tastier and are intended for fresh consumption. However, this crop is recently facing a new pest: the Drosophila suzukii fly. According to the US National Agricultural Statistics Service, the losses caused by this pest exceeded 511 US$ millions in 2008.
Tuesday, 09 June 2015
Latest news | Suzukii Trap® / Dacus Trap®
This is a new invasive pest that attacks fruit that has become a menace for several crops of high economic importance in Europe
Our company presented today the results of field trials with their specifically designed biological attractant Suzukii Trap™, which has proved efficacy and a high degree of selectivity
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Latest news | Suzukii Trap® / Dacus Trap®
The 9th Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting (ABIM), which took place in Basel, Switzerland from 20 to 22 October, was born out of the co-operation between the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA), of which Bioiberica is an active member.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Latest news | Suzukii Trap® / Dacus Trap®
This past November 6th, the 2nd conference on Profitability and Future of Vineyard Growth in Castile-La Mancha was held at Tomelloso, Ciudad Real.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Latest news | Suzukii Trap® / Dacus Trap®
Bioiberica has had an event-filled month, with presentations of its newest products, SuzukiiTrap® and Crop-Scan®. Bioiberica’s continued positioning its Cera Trap® system as the most efficient and eco-friendly mass trap device currently available in the national and international markets.
Monday, 30 September 2013
Products | Suzukii Trap® / Dacus Trap®
BIOIBERICA’s plant physiology division has recently launched a new attractant specifically designed to protect strawberry, cherry and other berries from the fly pest: Drosophila Suzukii.
Thursday, 04 July 2013
Latest news | Suzukii Trap® / Dacus Trap®
The 7th Cherry International Symposium was held at Plasencia (Extremadura, Spain) on 23-27 June. It was attended by scientists, agriculture specialists and farmers specializing in cherry crop production that came from major cherry production areas in the world.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Latest news | Suzukii Trap® / Dacus Trap®
The seminar’ fifth edition will be held on 15-20 May in Jerusalem (Israel)
Bioiberica's contribution to this meeting, the most important international event in its field, is a paper on the olive fly biological attractant: Dacus Trap
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Products | Suzukii Trap® / Dacus Trap®
The Andalusian Organic Farming Committee (CAAE) has awarded certification to Dacus Trap®, a new system based on a specific food attractant to capture the olive fruit fly ( Bactrocera oleae ). Dacus Trap® contains protein compounds with a high power of attraction.