Experience using Terra-Sorb radicular SymBiotic® nitrogen-reducing conditions
Monday, 10 February 2025
Field Experience | Terra-Sorb® | Horticultural
The growing demand for sustainable agricultural practices has generated a growing interest in the development of innovative strategies that allow reducing the dependence on synthetic fertilizers without compromising crop productivity. This trial focuses on evaluating the impact of the application of Terra-Sorb radicular SymBiotic®, a formulation based on L-α-amino acids and the exclusive PH-023 strain of Bacillus velezensis , with prebiotic and biofertilizer properties.
The trial was conducted on a pepper crop under a drip irrigation system, with the aim of determining whether this technology can offset a reduction in conventional nitrogen fertilization (a 30 FNU reduction), while improving agricultural profitability and promoting more sustainable agronomic management.
Crop |
Pepper |
Variety |
California |
Location |
Vícar, Almería, ES |
Year |
2023 |
Plant density |
20.000 pl/Ha |
Experimental plot |
16 m2 |

Number and timing of applications: 4 applications. The first application should be made 30 days after planting, with subsequent applications spaced 2-3 weeks apart.
Total Production:

In the treatment with Terra-Sorb radicular SymBiotic®, a significantly higher Production is obtained (+17%) in relation to the 70% N Control with the same Nitrogen limiting conditions, and even manages to exceed the production of the 100% N Treatment.
Production by category:

In the treatment with Terra-Sorb radicular SymBiotic®, a higher production of class I Peppers is achieved (+24%) in relation to the 70% N Control with the same Nitrogen limiting conditions, and comparable to the production of the 100% N Treatment without significant losses in the size of the fruits.
Return of Investment (ROI):
Total Production and Increase in Treated vs. Control
Estimated Gross Income Profitability (Average Price Received by Farmer: €1.1/kg Pepper*)
Estimated Gross Income Profitability (Average Price Received by Farmer: €1.1/kg Pepper*)

Treatment with Terra-Sorb radicular SymBiotic® results in an increase of 4,261 kg/ha in total production (+17%) and an increase in estimated profitability of €4,742/ha.
With the 30% nitrogen reduction, production was increased even with the 100% N treatment, and farmer profitability improved as we reduced costs on fertilizer and water.